Tag Archives: Quentin Tarantino

Inglourious Basterds Wins the Weekend


Making $38 million over the weekend, “Inglourious Basterds” had the best opening of any Tarantino film.  The movie was pretty damn good too, with Christoph Waltz (Col. Hans Landa) stealing the show.  I’d have to say that Brad Pitt gave the worst performance of his life (though his Italian was hilarious), but it didn’t hurt the film too much.  Some people are complaining that it was too talky, but I could listen to Tarantino’s dialogue all day long.  He’s still easily one of the best writers around.  8.5/10

Most Anticipated Movies for 2009

Despite the fact that my top 20 list from last year turned out to be a bit of a disaster (5 of the films got pushed to 2009, and 8 other films ended up ranging from bad to mediocre), I’m going to give it another shot. 

20.)  Whatever Works


– The new Woody Allen comedy starring Larry David as the “Woody Allen character.” 

19.)  Watchmen


-It’s much farther back on my list than most, mainly because I’m not a huge fan of Zack Snyder or 300.  He’s great visually, but he can’t direct dialogue or drama very well, and considering neither trailer for Watchmen has had more than one line of dialogue, I remain skeptical.  But if it lives up to the graphic novel at all, then it’ll be amazing.

18.)  Terminator Salvation


-Christian Bale really is the go-to-guy for big summer action movies now.  The trailer looked good, and I trust Bale, so I’m excited.

17.)  The Limits of Control


-Jim Jarmusch always makes great, quirky movies, and this looks no different.

16.)  Bruno


Hopefully it’ll earn enough money to pay off all the inevitable lawsuits and still make a profit.

15.)  Public Enemies


-Bale vs. Depp.  Should be pretty amazing (assuming Michael Mann’s still got it).

14.)  Dodgy Dealings by the Dozens


– A new comedy by the director of Amelie.

13.)  The Lovely Bones


– Peter Jackson’s new movie.  The only thing that keeps me from being really excited is that Ryan Gosling was replaced by Mark Wahlberg for the lead role, but other than that, this looks to be pretty incredible.

12.)  Nine


– It’s by the director of Chicago (which I didn’t care for), but it stars Daniel Day-Lewis, which means I’ll be at the theater opening day.

11.)  Avatar

– James Cameron’s follow-up to Titanic.  Rumored to have groundbreaking special effects.  If nothing else, it’ll be amazing to see it just for the spectacle.

10.)  The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus


–  Heath Ledger’s final role.

9.)  Biutiful


– By the director of Amores Perros and Babel

8.)  Coraline


-Based on the Neil Gaiman graphic novel, and by the director of A Nightmare Before Christmas.

7.)  Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince


– My favorite book in the series.

6.)  Lost Embraces


– The new Pedro Almodovar film.  He’s one of the best writers/directors around, and he’s been on a role lately.

5.)  Shutter Island


– The new Martin Scorsese-Leonardo DiCaprio collaboration.  Considering how good of an actor Leo’s become (I thought he was the best part of Revolutionary Road), I think this could be their best yet.

4.)  Inglorious Basterds


– Finally! After a decade of rumors, it’s finally being made.

3.)  The Road


– John Hillcoat (The Proposition) directing a Cormac McCarthy (No Country for Old Men) novel starring Viggo Mortensen (Lord of the Rings; Eastern Promises).  Should be out of this world good.

2.)  Ponyo On A Cliff


– Miyazaki’s anime was released last year in Japan and received amazing reviews.  It’ll be out in the states soon with an English dub voiced by Cate Blanchett, Liam Neeson, Tina Fey, and Lily Tomlin.  Spirited Away is one of my all time favorites, so I can’t wait for this.

1.)  The Tree of Life


– The new Terrence Malick (Days of Heaven) film with Sean Penn and Brad Pitt.  I think he’s one of the best living directors, and he’s been wanting to make this for over 30 years.  I think this has the potential to be, well, one of the best films ever made.  I know, I’m probably setting myself up for disappointment, but Malick can do no wrong.

Barely missing the list were The Wolfman (starring Benicio Del Toro), Where the Wild Things Are (directed by Spike Jonze), Mammoth (Michelle Williams and Gael Garcia Bernal), and Year One (Michael Cera and Jack Black).

The Pellet 1.4.09


(one of many)

Crank 2: High Voltage

Why? Why? Why is there going to be a Crank 2?


… Earth, narrated by James Earl Jones, tells the remarkable story of three animal families and their amazing journey across the planet we all call home. Earth combines rare action, unimaginable scale and impossible locations by capturing the most intimate moments of our planet’s wildest and most elusive creatures. Directors Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield, the acclaimed creative team behind the Emmy Award-winning “Planet Earth,” combine forces again to bring this epic adventure to the big screen, beginning Earth Day 2009.


I had a source on the inside state to me and the other AICNers that Darren’s ROBOCOP will have balls, STEEL BALLS.

Bastards coming this August

Quentin Tarantino’s Brad Pitt-starring, spell-check-eschewing, controversial WWII-era epic Inglourious Basterds has received a release date courtesy of distributor The Weinstein Co., with the Nazi-hunting drama set to open Aug. 21.

Top 10 of ’07

So yeah, we did have our own awards, or a “master list,” but here are my personal top 10 favorites from 2007:

10) Grindhouse/Hot Fuzz/Knocked Up


knocked-up-movie-poster.jpg med-hot-fuzz-final.jpg

The trifecta. Complete nerdom. Just for clarification, when I list Grindhouse I’m listing the double feature with fake trailers, missing reels, and all. That’s the Grindhouse I know and love. Knocked Up is the movie that got me to jump on the Judd Apatow/Seth Rogen bandwagon, and Hot Fuzz completely lived up to my post-Shaun of the Dead expectations. Some of the most fun I had at the movies this year was watching these three. They all lived up to the hype.

9) Eastern Promises


The 2nd film from the Cronenberg/Viggo duo. Some of the year’s most memorable scenes and my favorite Viggo performance yet. Cronenberg’s films are always strangely unique to him. It’s a shame he tends to be overlooked.

8 ) Persepolis


The story and characters fully transcend the “simple” animation style. Not to bash the animation though, it’s probably one of the most creatively animated films I’ve seen. Reminiscent of Fantastic Planet and The Tripletts of Belleville. It gave Ratatouille a run for its money in my book.

7) Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead


Possibly the most overlooked film of 2007. No Oscar nominations, earned practically nothing at the box office, and completely disappeared in the midst of award season despite its great director and cast. I wouldn’t throw this one in the ranks of 12 Angry Men or Network, but director Sidney Lumet definitely proved he’s still got it, even at age 82.

6) Ratatouille


It’s honestly my favorite pixar film yet. Also, according to rotten tomatoes, it was the best reviewed film of 2007.

5) Sweeney Todd


The umpteenth collaboration between Tim Burton and Johnny Depp is my favorite so far, which says quite a bit considering how much I love Ed Wood. The one and only thing that kept me from falling head over heels for Sweeney was the cut of my favorite song from the original play due to vocal restrictions. Otherwise, I’d say it’s just about perfect.

4) No Country for Old Men



I’ve always been a huge fan of the Coen brothers and No Country might just be my favorite film of theirs behind The Big Lebowski, which will probably be my favorite Coen brothers film forever and ever.

3) Once



Totally beautiful. One of my all-time favorite musicals. The songs are great, the story is touching, and it’s a musical that doesn’t go completely over-the-top with sets and costumes, for once. It’s so nice to see a low-budget musical blow away blockbusters like Dreamgirls and, in my opinion, the overrated Chicago.

2) The Diving Bell and the Butterfly



My favorite foreign film of ’07. If I was in charge of the Oscars, I would’ve given Julian Schnabel the award for Best Director. He truly deserved it.

1) There Will Be Blood




Easily my pick for #1, it might be my favorite film of the past decade. It’s hard to think of any I like more. It’s worth mentioning that, like last year, my favorite film is hated by quite a lot of people, but I guess that’s what happens with something so unique. There is however, a consensus that Daniel Day-Lewis gives one of the greatest, most obsessive performances out there. “I drink your milkshake!” gets my vote for the best line of 2007.


Honorable Mentions (In no order):

La Vie En Rose, Zodiac, The Darjeeling Limited, Superbad, 3:10 to Yuma, Lust-Caution, Paris Je-Taime, Into the Wild, Atonement, & Stardust.