Tag Archives: YouTube

New favorite youtube chnnl

Friend of Owl Pellets. Lovely.


The Tron Lebowski

College Humor (when will they change their name??) just uploaded this hilarious merge of The Big Lebowski and Tron Legacy.

Must watch.


Seems like College Humor totally ripped the below video off. Although I may like the College Humor one more – mainly because the impression of The Dude in this video is pretty weak:

Thank You, Google Reader: Shared Items (Episode 4)

Some days, I’m just endlessly amused by YouTube. I think the best part is that he sounds like a Muppet.

Jedi Dog Mac Bonewalker



gchat observation

Image taken of my gchat window upon my recent discovery.

I was just in my Gmail account (ok, I still am… I always am) and I sent a link through gchat to a youtube video and the video popped up in the gchat window. Now, that is bad ass.

It may not be all that new. I don’t use video chat/webcams in gchat, so I have no idea how new this is, but I really, really like it. 

Google is slowly making it so that I rarely have to venture out of my Google account. It’s scary, yet so exciting.

films by mangold

Owl Pellets contributor and co-founder “mangold” now has his own youtube channel. Here are the two videos he currently has up:

‘Westboro Baptist Church (Fred Phelps) at PSU Protest Documentary’

and a “biographical object project”


OP’s continuing coverage of the 2008 election: hardest hitting edition yet; 4th edition

OP continues to keep you updated on the 2008 election with a series of videos – from rap to folk to skits to hits, this is one of the hardest hitting editions yet. Hope you enjoy.

Are you tired of CNN, Fox, even Reuters? Well, I’ve got the perfect prescription for your pain: GaNooze. This guy is crazy (funny) and a blast to watch. I may disagree with some of what he says, but his meter makes up for it. Give him a try – he won’t disappoint. He. is. insane.

McCain just can’t seem to get a win lately. From making a joke about a gorilla molesting and battering a woman to not knowing that Czechoslovakia no longer exists, he’s making a fool out of himself. Here’s another example of him hurting his chances to become our next president (Montanans, you are sure to enjoy this funny little skit).

Hip hop has definitely made it into youtube election analysis and advocacy. We’ve got a kid proposing a branch to branch hip hop song (he’s actually pretty good), a Russian dog trainers analysis (through rap) of the election, McCain as the Prince of DC, and a youtube channel called “Hip Hop for Obama”: here’s an example.

Speaking of Hip Hop for Obama, Jay-Z was making calls on behlaf of Obama during the primary: hear a message he left on a voter’s phone. I wish I had gotten that call.

And I’ve got more for you relating to phones. Here’s a video of John McCain calling Clinton and burping/farting, leaving her very confused. You say you want more farts? I know it’s a bit juvenile, but I never really get tired of these. I also have a (fake) phone conversation between Obama and Bill Clinton for you.

This video may be the best reflection on the Obama/Clinton primary, yet. Monty Python fans are sure to get a kick out of this one.

And did you think The New Yorker‘s cover featuring Obama got too much attention? Well check out the cover they did of McCain.

While we’re on the subject of McCain, I’ll throw this video out there – it explores the anger that is McCain (through song).

I know that the OP election “coverage” has been a bit biased, so I thought I’d bring attention to the McCain girls (which are essentially a youtube answer to the Obama girl). What do you think? I’m not exactly sold.

But how about the lil Bush girl vs the Obama girl? Ok, obviously this is another pro-Obama video.

And here are some great musical numbers about this election, etc. (not very funny, but still good):

“We Don’t Like McCain”

“Fuck a dog in the Ass”

a folk song about Ron Paul

“Bush went to war”

“Vote Obama”

Because The Dark Knight is getting so much (well deserved) attention on OP, I thought I’d put up this video. It’s a bit amateur, but is nonetheless enjoyable.

I only have a few more videos for you, but they’re all good. Like The Onion‘s piece on No Value voters and the message to all those who will be voting for Obama or have voted for Obama and have a Mama. Or the message to that boob of an egoist (I used to not mind him, but every day he grinds on me a bit more).

Three videos left.

A lot of attention is given to Bill O’Reilly, but how about Headline News’ tool, Glenn Beck? This video remix is priceless. Watch this creeper in action.

I have two more videos for you in this edition of election coverage. The first video, like others in this edition comes from Barely Political and it provides you with a quick, but accurate summary of this year’s election. Watch it. It’s been one of my favorites for a while now.

And finally, Mike Gravel may be out, but this video from May(?) is one of a kind. You have to see Mike Gravel (the real Mike Gravel) sing and rap in an attempt to win over the Obama girl. This video also comes from Barely Political, which is hit of miss, but hits more than misses.

Hope you enjoyed this edition of OP’s continuing election “coverage.”